How did they build a pool on the roof of The Pierce, Boston? 

Boston Virtual Imaging partnered with TCC, CBT Architects and Samuels & Associates to tell the story of installing the pool on the rooftop of The Pierce, a multi-story luxury residential building in Boston, MA. 

The client’s need for this video was to showcase the luxury residential lifestyle of The Pierce, capture its amazing skyline views of Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood, as well as celebrate a construction milestone. The video was intended to be viewed on social media channels for marketing purposes. We had a fast moving deadline for this project with an overall timeline of 2.5 weeks. 

In order to tell this story, Boston Virtual Imaging worked directly with TCC to understand the location, logistics of the event, and the target audience. We interviewed lead architect Lois Goodell in front of Boston’s skyline for the overall narrative. Broll was captured from multiple camera operators in order to capture the 30 minute installation of the pool being hoisted by crane. The interview footage, event b-roll and music were edited together to complete the video. 

My favorite part about this project was scouting the location for the actual day of filming. We ended up working closely with JMA (John Moriarty & Associates) construction’s site supervisor to learn about the installation of the pool, and how to best capture it without impacting an active construction site. Luckily, they were really excited to help us and I believe the video turned out better because of it. 


  • General project & crew management

  • Client consultation

  • Proposal creation

  • Concept research & development

  • Concept pitch to client

  • Production scheduling

  • Location scouting

  • Storyboard creation

  • Shot list creation

  • Interview questions creation

  • Production engineering & design

  • Production equipment preparation

  • Production set & equipment buildout

  • On-location event filming (steadicam)

  • On-location interview filming

  • Transcript creation

  • Paper cut creation

  • Stock music selection

  • 2D text animations

  • Video editing

  • Managing client feedback & revisions

  • Sending of the deliverable to client


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